weight loss plan

8 Best Kept Secrets for Weight Loss Success

You know what you don’t learn from Weight Watchers or drinking a shake or going to the gym?


You don’t learn…


… why you keep trying to lose weight just to gain it back.


… why you are lacking motivation and falling back into old habits.


… why you overeat when you are bored or stressed.


… why you keep eating junk food and then feeling bad about it.


You are not alone.


Understanding your why is understanding yourself.


When you start to understand why you do the things that move you further from your goals, you can address the why and make a change to send you in the right direction.


People who have success with maintaining a healthy weight understand their bodies and their feelings around food and exercise.


What does success look like for you with weight loss or weight management?


Success looks different to everyone, and that’s ok.


Comparing yourself to someone else’s definition of success is not going to help you achieve your healthy living goals.


Start with defining WHY you want to achieve a specific healthy living goal and use it as your motivation when you reach a roadblock.


Here are eight of my BEST kept secrets for weight loss (and weight maintenance) success:


  • Determine your goals and develop a plan.


Stick to your plan the best you can. Adjust your plan as needed.


  • Find activities and exercises that you enjoy.


You are much more likely to stick with your exercise goals when you find a form of movement that you enjoy.  You don’t need to stick with an exercise routine you hate just because it is the latest exercise fad.


  • Get comfortable with being uncomfortable


Comfort keeps you the same. Discomfort will move you forward.  Discomfort is part of the process of change.


Embrace the discomfort as a sign of growth.


  • Start small and give yourself time.


Develop a plan that makes sense for your abilities, challenges your body in a healthy and safe way, and introduces change in increments.


You will burn out if you try to make too many changes too quickly or try to complete workouts that are too hard for you. But also, don’t stay stagnant. Your workout and your healthy habits should grow with you.


  • Choose balanced meals.


Opt for lean protein, wholesome carbs and healthy fats in every meal.


If you are working out a lot but aren’t making healthy food choices, you most likely will not see the results that you want.


  • Learn to manage your mind and “tune into your body.”


People who develop a healthy relationship with their body, food, and fitness have built the skills – through practice – that allow them to be mindful, pay attention to their emotions, and tune into their body’s signals.


The skill of listening to your body and learning what works for you — is just that, a skill.  And, with practice, can be developed and improved upon.


  • Rest


Your body needs rest and sleep in order to fully recover and function at full capacity.


  • Be consistent.


There are many reasonable food plans and exercise programs out there.  The key is to pick one that feels realistic for you and fits your values, and follow it consistently.


So many people give up too soon because they don’t see the fruits of their work quickly enough. Stay consistent and you will see results over time!


Remember, creating a healthy lifestyle does not happen overnight.


What do you think? What has worked well for you when it comes to weight loss?


Weight loss and maintaining your success can be hard to do by yourself.


Let me help you.


Let me help you identify where you are, where you want to go and most importantly, how to get there.


All you have to do is take the first step.


Click here to learn more about my 1:1 Healthy Habits Transformation program.