5 Reasons Why a Strong Core is Important
Out of all the muscle groups in your body, the core is one of the most important muscle groups to focus on during your exercise sessions.
You might think of a “strong core” as having 6-pack abs, but the truth is, you don’t need to have the 6-pack in order to have a strong core and receive the health and lifestyle benefits that a strong core provides.
Your core is the central link connecting your upper body to your lower body.
Core muscles basically include everything in the middle of your body including your buttocks, hips, abdomen and back.
Your core muscles work in harmony to manage most body movements.
The core muscles are necessary for balance and basic mobility.
You use your core muscles for so many daily activities such as walking, sitting, standing, and bending down to pick things up.
In fact, most activities require stable core muscles for basic movement, balance, and to prevent injury.
Weak core muscles can leave you susceptible to poor posture, lower back pain, and muscle injuries.
Low back pain affects four out of five Americans at one point or another in their life. This problem can be exacerbated with our sedentary lifestyles which leads to weaker core muscles and poor posture. Many of the cases of low back pain can be prevented with regular exercise routine that includes focusing on building strong core muscles.
Having a strong core is also super important when it comes to working out.
A strong core benefits athletic activities by preventing fatigue, reducing risk of injury, and increasing endurance.
Here are five reasons why a strong core is important
✔Increases balance and stability for basic, every day movements
✔Allows for better control and more power behind your exercise movements
✔Increases stamina because your body will not need to exert as much energy to maintain posture or balance.
✔Increases performance of activities – allowing you to run faster, jump higher, and push harder.
✔Significantly decreases your risk for injury when working out. A strong core protects your spine, prevents back strain and reduces pressure on your knees and hips.
Whether you are playing a sport, doing yoga, lifting weights, running, or just doing work around your home, your abilities (and injury risk) are influenced by your core strength.
The best part about strengthening your core is that core exercises can be done anywhere, anytime.
Core exercises don’t require any special equipment or a gym membership.
Planks, side planks, single leg bridges, and lying hip abductions are all great exercises to stabilize and strengthen your core.
Check out some examples of core exercises (that aren’t crunches) here
If more defined abdominal muscles is something you are after, core exercises are an important piece of the puzzle. While core exercises can strengthen and tone the underlying muscles, it also takes aerobic activity to burn abdominal fat and targeted nutrition to achieve your desired result.
Whether you’re looking for every day balance and stability, a novice taking the first steps toward fitness, or a committed fitness fanatic hoping to optimize your results, a well-rounded fitness program including core strengthening exercises is the best way to reach your lifestyle goals.
Do you need help incorporating core muscle exercises into your daily work out?
If so, my 1:1 Healthy Habits Transformation program can help! Click here to learn more.