rock your goals

How to Rock Your Goals in the New Year

If there is one thing that 2020 has taught us, it is to expect the unexpected. 

This year has brought forth challenges that nobody could have predicted.   But the best part about encountering challenges is that we have the opportunity to learn, grow, and adapt. 

These traits are especially important when we set and pursue our own individual goals. 

When we set a goal, we envision the outcome that we want to achieve.  We determine the steps that we will need to take to reach that outcome, and then we get to work! 

However, there is one crucial part that we often forget in our planning process: to expect the unexpected barriers.  Barriers can easily derail our progress.

While it is true that we can’t plan for every unexpected barrier (after all, it’s not called “unexpected” for no reason), we can plan for barriers to occur.

When you plan for barriers ahead of time, you are much more likely to successfully push through the barriers because you have an action plan already in place.

Here’s a few questions to get you started on setting and achieving your goals for the coming year!

  • What is your goal this year? Take a minute to write it down. 
  • What steps will you need to take to get there? Write those down.
  • Now, look at your list of steps and write down all of the possible barriers that you might encounter – and what you will do if they come to fruition. What barriers have you experienced in the past?  How will you handle each barrier?

For example, if you are trying to make healthier eating habits, and one of your steps includes limiting sweets and alcohol, a barrier to that plan might include special events or holidays.  

By identifying that potential barrier, you remove the “unexpected” aspect, and have the opportunity to create a plan for how you want to navigate the challenge.

Your plan of action to stay on course with your goal might include making a fun mocktail or eating healthy snack or small meal before meeting others for dinner. 

Do you want some guidance and support setting your goals?

Join my FREE 4-Day Goal Setting Workshop to help you create purpose-filled goals and create a plan to actually make them happen in 2021.

All the info will be delivered right to your inbox, and you get access to the private Real & Well Healthy Living Solutions Facebook group to take advantage of further support and accountability in achieving your 2021 goals!

Simply fill out the form below to join us in the FREE 4-day Goal Setting Challenge!