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My 3 Favorite Simple and Effective Nutrition Tips

Ever feel overwhelmed with all of the different diets, conflicting advice and changing ideas when it comes to health and wellness?


Trust me, I get it!


How are you supposed to choose between Keto, Paleo, Vegan, Carnivore, Plant-based, Vegetarian?


Dairy-free?  Gluten-free?


Low carb?  Low fat?  And what about protein?


Not to mention, it seems like the recommendations are changing every day.


Ugh! That’s a lot to keep up with.


Don’t worry!  I’m here for you.


As a certified health coach, my goal is to help you sort through all of the information (and misinformation) you read and hear online.


I want to help you reach your goals by simplifying life – not making it more confusing!


With a degree in Psychology and over 5 years of experience working directly with clients on healthy lifestyle development, think of me as your go-to resource to ask nutrition, mindset, and fitness questions!


My approach to healthy living is to make it simple yet effective.


So many people stay stuck in their current habits because it’s so overwhelming to try something new.


They don’t know where to start or how to make the new habits stick.


Good news, that’s my zone of genius!


I’m here to guide you along your wellness journey.  Clearing your path to success, and helping you to make sense of the health and wellness practices that are the best fit for your life.


Let’s start with nutrition today.


Proper nutrition is an essential foundational piece for support your health and well-being.


Food is medicine.


But, where do you start?


How do you know what the right food plan is for you?


The answer depends on you and your desired lifestyle, but I’ve got a few tips to get you started.


Here are my three favorite simple yet effective nutrition tips for helping you build your foundation.


ONE: Read the label.


Do you know what ingredients are actually in your favorite snacks or go-to frozen dinners?


Most processed foods have a lot of unnecessary added sugars and chemicals to make it taste good and prolong shelf-life.


Your body does not need these additives.  In fact, they can be detrimental to your health and wellness.


Take a look at the ingredients list on the items in your pantry and refrigerator right now.


Is the ingredients list a mile long?  Full of words you can’t pronounce?


Most likely, these items do not support your health.


To support your nutritional foundation, choose whole foods (foods that are sold in their natural state) or food items that list ingredients that are easy to read and pronounce.


TWO: Moderation beats deprivation.


The diet culture of the past several decades is based on deprivation.  Cutting calories, or cutting entire food groups all in name of weight loss.


While this might work short term to help you quickly reach your weight loss goals, you have to ask yourself what the long term consequences are to your health.  And, how long are the results going to last when you start going back to your old eating patterns?


Our bodies require a balance of fats, vitamins, minerals, proteins, and carbs. (That’s right, carbs!  Your body actually needs some carbohydrates for energy.)


Each macronutrient serves a purpose for your body.


Moderating amounts and balancing your body’s needs is the key to a sustainable and beneficial relationship with your diet.


THREE:  One size does not fit all.


We all have different bodies, schedules, and goals.


So, how does that work when we are pitched a one-size-fits all diet plan that promises to make all your dreams come true?


The truth is, it doesn’t work.


Your nutrition has to be customized to best fit you and your lifestyle to really see the long-term success created with a solid foundation.


It is important to define your health and wellness goals so that you can develop a nutrition plan and build healthy habits that will help you work toward achieving your healthy living goals.


Reach out to a professional to help you figure out a nutrition plan that best fits your goals and your lifestyle.


I would love to talk with you!


Click here to schedule a no-obligation FREE 20-minute Discovery Call with me.


On the call, we will discuss your questions and challenges related to developing a solid nutrition foundation.


Feel free to reach out with any questions.  Send an email to